Commitment to the Environment – Environmental Performance

In its commitment to the environment, MEDICAL CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL S.L. annually evaluates its environmental performance through ISO 14001 certification, as well as through measurement and monitoring carried out by MITECO, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

To ensure this commitment, we rely on the following factors:

Environmental aspects: MEDICAL CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL S.L.  has identified and evaluated environmental aspects related to its operational processes, also determining the indirect environmental aspects generated by the activity and conducting comprehensive controls. All environmental aspects are managed through operational controls, and a minimization objective has been established for significant aspects over which we have the ability to act. Starting from 2021, MEDICAL CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL S.L. has set the goal of further reducing electricity consumption, certified with the MITECO seal.

Environmental indicators: MEDICAL CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL S.L. has environmental indicators to monitor all aspects related to the company. Their measurement and tracking confirm that MCI complies with reference values and that these values are decreasing year by year to ensure continuous improvement in terms of environmental control.

Compliance with environmental legislation: MEDICAL CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL S.L. has demonstrated being up-to-date both in knowledge of applicable legislation and in compliance with it. This compliance requirement extends to our suppliers, customers, and internal personnel of the company.

Environmental emergencies: MEDICAL CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL S.L. has emergency instructions for potential emergencies related to our activity. These emergencies are available to all staff and visitors. To date, no environmental emergencies have occurred, so emergency instructions have not been required. Environmental emergency drills have been conducted according to the results, demonstrating that the entire organization is aware of the measures to be taken in the event of any identified emergencies.

Carbon footprint: MEDICAL CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL S.L. holds the carbon footprint seal issued by the Ministry for Ecological Transition, which certifies its participation in the registry and, on the other hand, reflects the degree of effort made by the company in the fight against climate change.

Our team: All MEDICAL CLAIMS INTERNATIONAL S.L. personnel are committed to maintaining good environmental performance, so we have awareness, control, and monitoring measures within our company. For this purpose, we have a ‘good practices manual’, ranging from being conscious of electricity consumption and turning off unnecessary lights, to using eco-friendly transportation such as bicycles for commuting, for which we provide a secure space for parking them.

environmental protection


Our main target is settling a transparent, accurate and easy to do claims management process reducing costs for all parts involved in the claims sector and providing excellent service at the same time.

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